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Below is a list of our China+ Publications for the last 6 months. If you are looking for reports older than 6 months please email, or contact your account rep
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PBoC official hints that RRR cut will be the next move
BoJ holds steady as Japan's national inflation rises modestly
China's LPRs unchanged
Domestic demand fades in August, with fiscal policy slow to gain traction
Government bond surge props up broad credit growth
The upcoming seasonal rebound in construction activity won’t decisively turn around falling producer prices
China's slowing core consumer inflation indicates weak demand
Producer deflation steepens as construction activity splutters
Severe competition drives services price cuts in China, despite resilient demand
Caixin headline manufacturing index makes only minor revival, dragged by sinking new export orders
Caixin manufacturing index still at low level, despite modest uptick
Korea's manufacturing index robust, but export orders slip
China's consumer inflation buoyed by seasonal food inflation, rather than demand
Producer deflation extends decline amid oversupply
China's official PMIs point to stagnating manufacturing activity
BoJ raises the policy rate ahead of market expectations
China's official PMIs point to stagnating manufacturing activity & slump in construction demand
Politburo calls for incremental policy measures, but no bazooka
The PBoC's surprise MLF rate cut rams home China's re-orientation towards short-term growth support; fiscal policy tweaks
Chinese GDP misses expectations, hit by dull retail sales, despite resilient industrial output
Money growth is buffeted by corporate deposit outflows
China’s producer deflation persistent, despite misleading improvement in headline
independent macro research, China+ Document Vault, Pantheon Macro, Pantheon Macroeconomics, independent research, ian shepherdson, economic intelligence,