Pantheon Macroeconomics

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Below is a list of our Publications for the last 6 months. If you are looking for reports older than 6 months please email, or contact your account rep.

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Monetary Policy

China+ Datanote: BoJ Policy Decision, Japan, January

The BoJ keeps policy steady; Governor Ueda confirms focus on the spring wage round

Duncan WrigleyChina+

CHINA+ DATA WRAP 23 JANUARY 2024: The BoJ keeps policy steady

The BoJ keeps policy steady; Governor Ueda confirms focus on the spring wage round

Duncan WrigleyChina+

China+ Datanote: PBoC Policy Decision, China, January

The PBoC keeps the MLF rate on hold, gauging the impact of other easing measures

Duncan WrigleyChina+


China keeps lending rates steady; Japan's exports shrink for the first time in 3 months

Kelvin Lam (Senior China+ Economist)China+

China+ Datanote: BoJ Policy Decision, Japan, December

The BoJ stays put as inflation slows and currency pressure eases

Duncan WrigleyChina+


The BoJ stays put as inflation slows and currency pressure eases

Duncan WrigleyChina+

EZ Datanote: SNB Rate Decision, Q4 2023

In one line:  A clear dovish shift; rate cuts are next. 

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

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Keywords for: Publications

independent macro research, Pantheon Macro, Pantheon Macroeconomics, independent research, ian shepherdson, economic intelligence