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Kelvin Lam (Senior China+ Economist)

China+ Datanote: 20-Day Exports, Korea, December

Korean 20-day exports accelerate on the back of base effects and lumpy shipments of hi-tech vessels and semiconductors

Kelvin Lam (Senior China+ Economist)China+


Korean 20-day exports accelerate on the back of base effects and lumpy shipments of hi-tech vessels and semiconductors

Kelvin Lam (Senior China+ Economist)China+

21 December 2023 China+ Monitor China Keeps Lending Rates Steady, As Fiscal Policy Is in the Driver's Seat

  • The PBoC kept one-and five-year LPRs steady in December, after standing pat on MLF rates earlier.
  • Japan’s exports dipped back into negative growth in November following two months of expansion.
  • Exports to the US and EU slowed significantly, while car exports continue to grow, albeit less strongly.

Kelvin Lam (Senior China+ Economist)China+


China keeps lending rates steady; Japan's exports shrink for the first time in 3 months

Kelvin Lam (Senior China+ Economist)China+

China+ Datanote : FX Reserves, China, November

  • China’s FX reserve jump reflects reduced capital outflow pressure, as the dollar weakens and U.S. yields fall

Kelvin Lam (Senior China+ Economist)China+

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independent macro research, Pantheon Macro, Pantheon Macroeconomics, independent research, ian shepherdson, economic intelligence