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UK Publications

Below is a list of our UK Publications for the last 6 months. If you are looking for reports older than 6 months please email, or contact your account rep

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money and credit data Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)

UK Datanote: UK Labour Market Data, July / August 2024

  • In one line: Encouraging wage slowdown keeps the MPC on track to cut rates again in November.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

UK Datanote: UK Final Services and Composite PMI, August 2024

  • In one line: The strengthening PMI means the MPC will wait until November to cut rates again.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

UK Datanote: UK Money & Credit, July 2024

  • In one line: Lower mortgage interest rates boost the housing market.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

UK Datanote: U.K. Labour Market Data, June / July 2024

  • In one line: Encouraging wage slowdown but recovering jobs growth will keep the labour market tight.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

UK Datanote: UK Final Services and Composite PMI, July 2024

  • In one line: The PMI signals steady growth now and a stronger expansion to follow.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

UK Datanote: UK Money & Credit, June 2024

  • In one line: Fading consumer caution and renewed corporate risk appetite bode well for growth.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

UK Datanote: UK Money & Credit, June 2024

  • In one line: Fading consumer caution and renewed corporate risk appetite bode well for growth.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

UK Datanote: U.K. Labour Market Data, May / June 2024

  • In one line: The labour market is easing making an August rate cut a very close call.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

UK Datanote: U.K. Labour Market Data, April / May 2024

  • In one line: Not as bad as feared, labour market is easing and wage growth will follow. 

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

UK Datanote: UK Money & Credit, April 2024

  • In one line: April was a bad month for consumers, but don’t write them off.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

UK Datanote: U.K. Labour Market Data, March / April 2024

  • In one line: Slowing jobs growth keeps MPC rate cut on track , despite strong wage growth.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

UK Datanote: U.K. Money & Credit, March 2024

  • In one line:Lower borrowing costs sparked a wave of refinancing in Q1, which likely will unwind in Q2.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

UK Datanote: UK final services and composite PMI, April 2024

  • In one line: Strengthening growth and slowing inflation, but watch the jump in input costs.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

UK Datanote: UK final services and composite PMI, March 2024

  • In one line: Growth beating the MPC's forecast and services inflation easing.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

UK Datanote: U.K. Money & Credit, February 2024

  • In one line:Consumer caution fading in response to lower interest rates.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

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U.K. Document Vault, independent macro research, Pantheon Macro, Pantheon Macroeconomics, independent research, ian shepherdson, economic intelligence,