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China+ Publications

Below is a list of our China+ Publications for the last 6 months. If you are looking for reports older than 6 months please email, or contact your account rep

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cpi report Kelvin Lam (Senior China+ Economist)

CHINA+ DATA WRAP 30 August 2024

In one line: Tokyo consumer inflation surprises on the upside, backing BoJ’s decision to hike.

Kelvin Lam (Senior China+ Economist)China+

China+ Datanote: National CPI, Japan, July

In one line: Japan's inflation remains steady in July as energy prices rebound and core-core inflation eases

Kelvin Lam (Senior China+ Economist)China+

CHINA+ DATA WRAP 23 August 2024

Japan's inflation remains steady in July as energy prices rebound and core-core inflation eases

Kelvin Lam (Senior China+ Economist)China+

CHINA+ DATA WRAP 13 June 2024: China's CPI print points to sluggish domestic demand

In one line: China's CPI print points to sluggish domestic demand; Producer price reflation hastens in May

Kelvin Lam (Senior China+ Economist)China+

CHINA+ DATA WRAP 31 May 2024: China's NBS PMIs surprised to the downside

Manufacturing activities flounder in May on weakening domestic and external demand

Non-manufacturing PMI stalls as construction activity slow sharply

Japan’s Tokyo inflation accelerates on the back of expiring energy subsidies

Kelvin Lam (Senior China+ Economist)China+

CHINA+ DATA WRAP 11 May 2024

Despite tick-up in China CPI, demand is still weak; Producers still battle deflation

Kelvin Lam (Senior China+ Economist)China+

CHINA+ DATA WRAP 19 April 2024

In one line: Japan's inflation cools in March; the BoJ to stand pats next week

Kelvin Lam (Senior China+ Economist)China+

China+ Datanote: National CPI, Japan, March

In one line: Japan's inflation cools in March; the BoJ to stand pats next week

Kelvin Lam (Senior China+ Economist)China+

CHINA+ DATA WRAP 11 April 2024

China consumer prices slow as producer deflation deepens

Kelvin Lam (Senior China+ Economist)China+

China+ Datanote: Tokyo CPI, Japan, March

In one line: Japan’s Tokyo inflation ticks up in March, thanks to a smaller fall in energy prices

Kelvin Lam (Senior China+ Economist)China+

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independent macro research, China+ Document Vault, Pantheon Macro, Pantheon Macroeconomics, independent research, ian shepherdson, economic intelligence,